
26 Things to be Thankful For
Alcohol – well, duh…
Brainiacs – the kind that invent shit like smoke detectors, contact lenses, and Geiger counters
Clouds – because they can create a bazillion separate snowflakes
Donuts – with sprinkles, not jelly and certainly not pudding
Etiquette – and its occasional appearance
French fries – for obvious reasons
Grappa – because you can’t drink real kerosene
Heartbreak – and the lessons that come from it
Income tax – because it means I have an income
Journals – the kind into which you can cast your angst
Kangaroos – because they have pouches. Pouches!
Lumpy gravy – proof that it’s homemade
Miley Cyrus – for making sledgehammer licking sexy again
Narcissism – because it’s fun to watch (see above)
Opportunities – because knocking matters
Pimples – for their ability to keep it real
Quagmire – meaning a swamp, not an awkward situation
Rainbows – but only for the accompanying unicorn
Sliced bread – because it’s the greatest thing since unsliced bread
Tympanic membranes – so I can hear things like laughter and kittens and chainsaws
Ukuleles – because, when I was eight, I sang a Don Ho song with my cousins and we totally rocked it
Victory parades – for obvious reasons
Walter White – for allowing us to fully appreciate bad-assery
Xerces Society – because invertebrates are really freckin’ cool
Yes – Best. Word. Ever.
Zydeco – “the snap beans aren’t salty” – but the accordions are